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Twoje kryteria wyszukiwania

InTENSO Sp. z o.o.

InTENSO Sp. z o.o.

Wrocław, 1
InTENSO is a group of professional and experienced IT experts, who work hard for the success of your company. Since our founding, the intensity of activities and individual approach to each customer define our quality standards. We are aware that without efforts like ours even the best project may have little chance to succeed. 

Our mission is to make innovative and creative products and provide complex support. Uniqueness and innovativeness of the solution that we are using are the basis of our success. 

Mutual passion and fascination of the possibilities of modern information technology were and they still are the main impulse to create new projects. From the beginning we created own solutions and now we are also using our authoring software. What is more this software is showing the power of a brand of InTENSO and gives us the unique competitive advantage