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  • Hotelarstwo / Gastronomia / Turystyka


  • Cała Polska
  • Dubai
    (Zjedn.Emiraty Arabskie)

Forma zatrudnienia

  • pełny etat

Pracodawca ma prawo do wcześniejszego zakończenia rekrutacji.

Praca na stanowisku Waiters / Waitresses

Cała Polska

, EuroHunters
Opublikowane 2015-09-14 14:42:25

Opis działalności firmy

EuroHunters to jedyna polska agencja pośrednictwa pracy, specjalizująca się w rekrutacji osób z krajów Europy do pracy w Dubaju, Abu Dhabi, Doha i pozostałych rejonach Zatoki Perskiej.

Obecnie poszukujemy osób na stanowisko

Waiters / Waitresses
Cała Polska

Opis stanowiska

WAITERS / WAITRESSES Luxury venue in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Doha

Job Description and Responsibility:

Proper handling of the cash register correct order taking and customer payment, which has direct impact on sales and cash. Product preparation: serving our customers with high quality products, following the agreed recipes at all times, so we can meet our margins and standards, time after time. Minimum of 2 years experience in hospitality industry.



Salary USD 800-1000 + tips and bonuses assistance in completing all the formalities residence visa plane ticket accommodation for the duration of the employment contract insurance and sickness benefits food and drink within working hours transportation to and from work 21-day paid vacation per year free ticket to the place of residence once a year ID Card other benefits



To see all available vacancies and be informed of upcoming roles regularly, please kindly register on our website and like our Fan-page

At the bottom of your CV please kindly add : I hereby authorise you to process my personal data included in my job application for the needs of the recruitment process (in accordance with the Personnel Protection Act of 29.08.1997 no 133 position 883).

As we receive a high volume of applications, we are unable to reply to all candidates individually. Therefore, if you do not hear from us within the next 4 weeks, please assume that your application has not been successful on this occasion.

KRAZ – Certyfikat nr 11558

Ogłoszenie jest już nieaktywne, nie można na nie aplikować.